Web presentation of village Feketić
The most beautiful front yard in the village 2024

About us

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About us

What trail do we leave in history? What stories does our place talk about? Does the community that lives here preserve its endowment? Will the man of the future have what to look back over the past decades? Do the birds that fly over us see the preserved nature or the desert? Do we have ideas for the challenges of the present? Do we create our future? One saying says the word is flying, but writing remains.

By launching the new website of the Feketić settlement, we express our commitment to our village and its surroundings. The site is created in June 2019, in cooperation with the Feketić Local Community and the Hungarian Association for the cultivation of culture and the preservation of local history "Feketić". It will be done in the spirit of reconstruction and engagement, formulated this spring. We set ourselves the goal of showing the digitized local history of Feketić; preservation of local spiritual and material heritage; encouraging community processes; promoting national, European and universal culture; monitoring of work, activities of civil organizations (NGOs) and institutions; cultivating Hungarian culture; the dynamism of local public life, which is based on civic participation; integrating community life into development processes and understanding in a wider environment; encouraging cooperation with settlements in Hungary and Serbia; creating opportunity to represent themselves for communities involved in the development of our settlement; for the development of the settlement, improving the quality of life and the environment; encouraging social moves, in order to achieve progress in the homeland; developing the relationship of the local society; special attention paid to young people in organizing activities for creating a better environment; permanent contact with locals, who stay abroad to study or work; presenting programs for family and intergenerational relations; maintaining cultural relations between indigenous peoples; presentation of the Municipality and Local Community; promoting accession to the European Union; promoting knowledge about electronic public services in the digital world; presentation of state, national, religious, social and holiday festivals related to the settlement; publication of public, local, artistic and professional publications related to the settlement and community; interpreting the local economy, which uses individual and social knowledge and creativity as sources ... In the realization of these goals, this website is one very important step.

One platform, on which we can give news to the world about everything that Feketić is doing. One connection which digitally helps connecting people.